Friday, November 19, 2010

Feeding the Animals

Josie definitely loves our animals. She is particularly fond of Artie who she calls "my Artie" and often uses as a pillow. She thoroughly enjoys the other animals as well and likes to help out by putting food in their bowls. She doesn't quite have the idea of fresh water yet as she continues to try and wash her hands in their bowl, but hey, she's two.

Though she is well aware that feeding the animals from the dinner table is not allowed, she does try to sneak the animals treats. She also knows when she's got a free pass and takes full you can see here when Daddy knew the memories captured would be well worth letting some discipline slide:

(for those of you viewing this on Facebook, it is definitely worth the trip to to see the video)

and some translation in case you didn't understand:
-a little singing
-"here you go. here you go."
-"oh no! oh no! my sandwich"
-"I want my sandwich back"
-"here you go. here you go."