Tuesday, May 11, 2010

A Sucker Born Every Day

Including my birthday...

So Josie and I took a quick trip to Old Navy today to look for toddler sunglasses to shade my dear daughter's delicate eyes. Unfortunately they had none, so we meandered over to the clearance section. I held up a pair of sweat pants and asked Josie if she liked them. She grunted in the affirmative but almost immediately lost interest when she saw It. The Raincoat. She zoomed over while frantically shoving her sweatshirt off her shoulders and yelling "Auff, Auff." I helped her out of her sweatshirt and into the shiny, flowery wonderfulness that was The Raincoat, telling her she could wear it "for now." Josie then commanded "bop-p, bop-p" so I quickly buttoned up her Coat. She didn't like that I had left the top button undone and told me so. After I corrected the situation she settled down with a satisfied air, gave me a little smile and pointed to her chest (and The Raincoat) while saying "Josie." I looked at her and knew there was no contest. "Yes baby, that is most definitely Yours."

I, of course, called Nick as soon as we got in the car. He pointed out what I already knew; I had just gotten hustled by a toddler.