Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Traveling Companion

We finally took a plane trip with daddy! Josie really appreciated the extra room to stretch her legs. Of course, unlike a couple other plane rides, she slept 100% of the time in the air. Now, I have tried to get some pictures of what she looks like in the wrap on the plane but have been unsuccessful in the time allowed before my airplane neighbor (or neighbors as the case may be) start shooting me funny looks. But with Nick along, we got some perfect shots and even got a picture of the monster waking up.

More to come on the actual trip to Charleston where we saw Great (heehee) Uncle Bob and Aunt Eileen.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Finger Foods

The moment we have been impatiently awaiting--introducing finger foods! YAY! This move has really been filled with brilliant ideas from dear old mom here. Beginning with the very slippery mango and moving to mashed potatoes, carrots and corn, this step has really been an adventure. While at first she was lucky to get any food in her hand, much less her mouth, she is getting better and better every meal. It might be that I am learning too and finding that pasta, banana, eggs and cheese are much easier for her to pick up and get somewhere in the vicinity of her mouth. Coming soon: chicken, beans, cheerios and more. Message to Grandma: please note that ice cream is nowhere on this list.

While discovering that mashed foods are not considered finger foods:

Banana works much better. It sticks to the fingers--and face:

But really, all meals are fun to watch:

Fun little side note, apparently when my brother Malcolm was a baby, he made the same "mmm-mmm-mmm" sounds the whole time he was eating. We would have to ask Michelle if he is still that into food.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Jet Set Baby

Our travel season has begun. A few weeks ago Josie and I headed out to Los Angeles and Palm Desert to visit family while Nick headed to Jacksonville for work. The desert heat and sunshine was a welcome break from the April showers we have had here. Josie did fabulous on the plane both ways (though on the way back I thought I had her arms contained but the cup of water from the guy sitting next to us begged to differ).

We go to play with Michelle and Cashel:

Wear sunscreen and floppy hats for the first time:

Go swimming for the first time:

(this just might have been my favorite part of the trip. Instead of super independent I can do it myself baby, I got super clingly I'm scared I'm going to drown baby. She didn't want to let go of me. I love it.)

And hang out with family:

The trip was great fun, but we were happy to get home. Especially with two more trips looming in the next few months. Jet set baby.