Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Christmas Time

We had a wonderful Christmas. My family came in from LA to celebrate. We spent Christmas Eve and Grandma & Grandpa Colella's eating a delicious seafood meal and then Christmas morning and day at our house.

We had a yummy breakfast.

Opened LOTS of presents

And then played Wii all day. We had particular fun boxing each other.

all in all it was a fabulous holiday.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

5 ladies, 4 generations

Jay sent me this picture of us Colella ladies and I realized there are four generations represented here. Pretty cool.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Giggles McGee

I couldn't decide which was my favorite so I had to post both. In the first I am just making faces at her and in the second I am chewing on her ribs (which explains the shaking). I hope these make you smile. If they don't, you must have a cold, cold heart.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Santa's Knee

The whole family sat on Santa's knee today and told him what we want for Christmas. The instant she was on his lap, Josie grabbed a handful of his very real beard and wouldn't let go. Thankfully Santa did not feel this alone warranted coal. I am sure Josie can look forward to a very fruitful Christmas morning.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

And they thought costumes were bad...

my poor animals don't know what hit them. Where once they were thanking their lucky stars mom had someone new to dress in outlandish clothes, they are now cursing those same stars for saddling them (in Penny's case literally saddling her) with this curious, drooling, sometimes smelly and often crying THING. Who knows, this just might be shared woe that makes bitter enemies (Luna & Penny) the best of friends.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


I have a new love and its name is Snapfish. We were determined to send out holiday cards this year with, of course, a picture of Josie on them. While on Snapfish I noticed that they have holiday cards and decided to give it a try. This was at 9:35am. By 11am I had picked up the finished cards at Walgreens. And they were cheap-even with the envelopes. So Snapfish, thank you for making this holiday season easier. I love you.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Family Photo

A friend of ours, Kevin Weinstein, was kind enough to share his extraordinary photographic talent with us. He came over when Josie was about a month old and I still felt like 1/2 a person. We didn't think he could have possibly gotten any good shots in, but we were definitely wrong. Take a look at our snapfish album (thanksgiving and the LA trip is there too). There are some great pictures there. Here's a preview:

Friday, December 5, 2008

1 year apart

so i was going through a bunch of photos last night and came across one of Cashel when he was two months old and one of Josie when she was the same. I think she is 4 days younger than Cashel was when the pictures were taken.

Hmmm, they don't look at all related now do they?

cold season

Poor Josie has had a cold for the past few days. She seems to be feeling better now, but the first couple days were pretty rough. As she was sitting there inconsolable, I kept thinking to myself "this is how the first two months were. How did we manage?" The answer is probably that whenever possible we would just stare at her beautiful face thinking about how amazing she is and how incredible it is that we made her. Doesn't hurt that when she's in a good mood she's pretty darn cute. Actually, when she's crying she's pretty darn cute too. We feel bad when we can't help but laugh at her sad faces. But here's some happy faces from the past month or so for your viewing enjoyment.

Thursday, December 4, 2008


Thanksgiving was smaller than normal this year (only 18 people, including Cashel and Josie), but it was a lot of fun. Josie got to spend time with her aunt, uncles, cousins and even her great-great uncle. She was just happily passed from person to person, very curious about what was going on but completely content.

New Friend

We had a great time in LA. Thanksgiving was a lot of fun (pictures to follow) and Josie got to meet lots more family. She had a great time with her first cousin Cashel.I didn't expect it, but they were actually quite fascinated with each other. I didn't catch the really good staring contests on video, but here's a fun one...