Saturday, February 28, 2009

I'm a Model

One of the things I loved about swimming when I was little was how perfectly my wet hair would hold a hairstyle. Something I could never achieve out of the pool.

I have since rediscovered this joy.

I can't wait for Josie to grow more hair.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Josie in the Jungle

Some of you may remember that I was a little worried that the cats would either a) try and sleep on Josie's warm little body thereby suffocating her or b) get really pissed off that she was taking all of our attention and many of their sleeping spots away. I am happy to report that not only does Josie love the animals, they are tolerating her right back. Penny in particular has gone past toleration to outright adoration and even Artie is getting in on the fun.

I think one of the things that has Penny so excited is that she finally has someone who enjoys her licking, embraces it even, and wants to lick her right back.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

My First Play Date

Josie was happy to have Brett over for their first play date the other day. I think play dates are going to be very important so that Josie can learn how to share. Thankfully, Brett is ridiculously sweet and instead of grabbing toys back, just gently pets Josie's head.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Milestone Watch

It is kind of funny how obsessed with "Milestones" and progress we are. Less so than when she was first born, but it still grabs us. Maybe its because it is another thing to look forward to that's different. In some ways, she is changing every day and in other ways every day is exactly the same--especially during winter. So when you have this list you can check against, there is a very tangible and distinct way to know that she is growing.

Today we are celebrating the milestone of Sitting Unassisted. Yay! For about a week now she has been able to sit by herself for long periods of time. And yes, a few minutes is a long time for a baby. She hasn't really mastered the whole balance thing and is likely to topple to one side or the other without warning. We make sure we are very close when she is sitting so that we can cushion her head when she falls.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Josie Grossie

Peas didn't faze her any more than peaches but they look way more gross. Our little alien baby.

By the way, this bib is awesome! it has sleeves so it covers almost all of her upper body, meaning we dont have to change her after every meal. Give her a sponge bath yes,but no extra laundry.