Sunday, April 12, 2009

Take a Seat

We have (knock on wood) been pretty lucky when it comes to Josie's sleep schedule. She is pretty consistently sleeping anywhere from 10-12 hours straight through the night. The only hard part is that she wakes up at about 5:30am every morning. We've tried longer naps, shorter naps, later bedtime, earlier bedtime--none of it makes a difference. The good news is that most mornings she is perfectly content to just talk to herself for about an hour before getting upset and wanting to be removed. One such time I heard her talking and squealing and clicked on the monitor only to find her sitting up on her own for the first time. I woke up Nick, showed him and heartily shared his "oh no" sentiment. Exciting? Yes. Terrifying? Hell yes. Being able to sit up is so close to crawling which is even closer to walking which equals life as we know it is over.

from the video monitor:

ps: Nick made me get the video monitor. I insisted we didn't need one. I was wrong. Video monitors are awesome. However, I am right in insisting that the one we have is fine and we do NOT need one that pans, zooms and is accessible online.

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