I am not entirely sure how this day arrived so quickly. The double whammy of turning 5 and starting kindergarten. I will miss hanging out with Josie every day and have already turned to share something with her only to remember it will be another 5 or so hours before I can tell her. More than anything though, I am so incredibly proud of Josie and excited for her. She has been so brave and joyous in the face of a very massive change. Josie has welcomed new friendships with her usual warmth and kindness. I know all of these qualities will help her through what will undoubtedly be a tough but rewarding school experience.
I wish I could just tell her all I have learned and save her pain, frustration, acts of unkindness and everything unpleasant. But that would also keep her from the satisfaction of personal growth and successful problem solving.
Good luck Phine!